Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Beginnings are such a difficult thing, almost as troublesome as endings. We drift into the unknown under both circumstances, however, the beginning is the adventure, it is the exploration of something new and possibly a discovery of something that is going to give us new meaning to happiness. To end is to leave something behind, possibly someone, possibly the very things that gave you a new meaning to happiness. With this first post I am preparing to begin a new life, far away from everyone and everything I've ever known. I am also preparing to lose that which I am comfortable with. I am ending a life and starting a new one. Looking at a transition with such an emphasis on the divide is helping. I am putting this life to rest and coming back to the world a different person, with different strengths, different weaknesses. It makes such a short simple existence a little more complicated, as if there were other paths I could have taken along the way. It is this notion that keeps me going, the notion of free will, even though it is mostly just illusions I create for myself. Life is so much more interesting when you can choose, when there isn't just one path. So here I am in a moment of transition beginning to write about it, in hopes to get it all out, emotion, hidden intentions, hopes and grievances. I'll let you know how it goes.