Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Book: 2666 by Roberto Bolaño

After months of turning each page with patience and as much attention as i could devote to such a complex and detailed work; i'm finished. I can comfortably say that no other book has had such an emotional effect on me. No other book has made me feel disappointed that i can't keep turning the pages and dig a little deeper into the black hole that is the premise of this novel. I don't know what else to say about it.

I'd recommend 2666 to anyone who likes to read, but as with a lot of the subject matter i tend to drift toward, this is dark. It sucks the light out of existence. It describes futility in detail and you can certainly bet there isn't going to be a happy ending, or an ending at all for that matter because once the pages stop turning you can be assured the images won't fade nearly as quickly.


TV Show: The Mighty Boosh

The Mighty Boosh is the name chosen to identify a pair of comedians, Noel Fielding and Julian Barratt. They've performed as a team in several mediums; live, radio broadcast and a tv show of the same name. The tv show was my first exposure to the comedic pair and i'm glad i stumbled upon it. The setting for the first season is a zoo called the Zooniverse in which the comedians play the characters Howard Moon (a straight laced jazz aficionado) and Vince Noir (a cockney mod who prefers electro-pop and has the ability to speak to animals) who work as zookeepers.

The first thought when watching the first season was how in the world did they get enough of a budget to bring so many ridiculous ideas to life. The question answers itself in time when you realize there are only 5 or so actors in the entire show; 5 actors who play about 20 recurring characters, mostly done by Noel and Julian. One might think that would be a bit ambitious for just two men, but each character is brilliant, seriously. It's really astounding the amount of material these two guys were able to come up with for the first season alone.

The second season introduced a character that actually became an internet meme for a short while by the name of Old Gregg. To give a picture of the detail in each character i'll use him as an example and describe. Old Gregg is half man half fish with seaweed for hair and a vagina, which emits light and is referred to as a "mangina" or "downstairs mixup." He also wears a tutu and is looking for the love of another man adding to the sexual ambiguity. He is an avid painter, mostly self portraits. His favorite drink is Bailey's Irish Cream, preferably served from a shoe. He only appears at night under a fool moon. And, he has a reputation for killing sailors that venture out onto his lake, black lake, but only after they deny his love. Youtube Old Gregg for the visuals.

It was odd when the youtube videos gained popularity and i had a chance to talk to a few people about it. They had no idea where the videos originated from nor cared, which was a shame because the show is literally filled with that level of ridiculousness.

All three seasons are great and worth seeking out.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Movie: Ex Drummer

Yet another intensely graphic cult film; this one standing out from the previous few because of its more recent date of creation and European origin.

The movie has a cinematographic style comparable to high-intensity films like Trainspotting and Spun, but i'd say it had more symbolic purpose and patience than those two films. Instead of a non-stop roller coaster there are many moments where the viewer can take a breath and focus on the detail of a room or follow a character along a very clear path taking note of all of his surroundings. I'd suggest a second viewing to pick up on all the details. My second time through i tried to focus on where the subject was in the frame and there were many moments of purposeful confusion between what was the subject and other possible points of focus. This is definitely one of those movies that you can expect to see new things every time through.

Dries, the main character is easily one of my favorite characters of any film. He had an infinite amount of charm, but was at heart a narcissist, not having any emotional investment in any of the supporting characters or conflicts. One moment describes this notion perfectly. In the battle of the bands scene, the camera cuts from a high intensity performance on stage to a slow motion capture washed in red and black. Dries is walking slowly through the violent moshpit as it parts around him. His stride is confident and unquestioning until he reaches the center of the mosh and everyone around him falls to the ground in convulsions while he takes a long drag on a cigarette. The scene is surreal and powerful and shows Dries as a god, which is his ultimate role. He toys with the supporting characters, teases them, judges them, ultimately forsakes them, but not directly. He simply manufacturers the plot of their own self-destruction.

This isn't a light film in any respect, having almost every scene packed with vulgarity and perversity and filth, but if you can honestly say that filth is no less beautiful than anything else, enjoy this one. It's one of my favorites.


Friday, March 12, 2010

Movie: Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodoma

How to make yourself feel wealthy:
Take the money of others
How to make yourself feel independent:
Imprison others
How to make yourself feel clean:
Defecate on others
How to make yourself feel immortal:
Kill others

A list of ways to descend into depravity and the premise of this film.


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Movie: The Holy Mountain

Watching this film was a bittersweet experience for me, as with any cult classic, because when the credits rolled i knew it would never have as profound an effect on me as the first viewing. The surreal imagery of this film alone would be enough for it to stay at the forefront of my memory for some time. And, that's exactly what i thought the film was about after the first couple scenes. There was no script, no plot from what i could see, just characters bringing to life biblical texts and referencing other historical events while existing well outside of reality. It was really a trip, but then a story emerged out of the chaos and i was hooked for the duration.

The movie is essentially about a group of people who wish to become immortal and to achieve immortality they must go on a journey in which they throw away all qualities that make them human while traversing a path to the summit of the Holy Mountain. Each character faces individual challenges and is ultimately confronted by their deepest fears and obsessions.

From the sparse but meaningful dialog to the complementary and oftentimes unsettling soundtrack this movie is the product of a perfectionist possibly on the edge of his own sanity. There are those who might be upset by the level of perversity and gore, or by the raw and sudden sequencing and scene shifts, but it was all done with purpose down to the very last detail. I'd recommend to anyone with a strong stomach and a taste for interpretation, but i don't expect many people to like it.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Movie: Zack and Miri Make a Porno

I had no doubt this was going to be a winner, with the presence of Kevin Smith at the helm to the incredible cast and the quirky subject matter; it was a guarantee that i could sit down and enjoy without any worry of being disappointed. I should say that i have a pretty big crush on Elizabeth Banks, exposing a small amount of bias toward any movie she's in. Although certainly not a seasoned character actress yet, her charm and boisterous laugh make me weak. The rest of the cast is made up of comedic veterans and familiar faces from Kevin Smith classics, all perfect for their characters. And for a surprise and somewhat risky decision Katie Morgan played the roll of the lead porn star, an actual pornstar who has gotten a ton of recent exposure due to her hosting spot on HBO's Sex Tips series.

It's difficult for me to say specifically what i liked about this movie because i immediately think: everything. I really enjoyed every minute, every joke, every sex scene, the setting of a small freezing town contrasted by the warming coffee shop and the intimate nature of porn. Forcing myself to pick something, the idea of porn being fun is always a nice thing to fantacize about. The world of actual porn is seedy and disrespectful and actresses and actors are hardly ever charming, hardly ever funny, and although it's getting better with alternative corporations like Kink and Girlfriend Films getting more attention it's still pretty ugly and the average close-minded american scoffs at the idea of the industry being anything other than an underground perversion. This movie introduced porn in a way that was fun and respectful and open to actual emotional vulnerability. I think my favorite scene keeping this theme in mind is when Craig Robinson's character interviews the first porn star. He's all nervous and makes sure she's comfortable and that she knows he's married before sheepishly asking to see what she brings to the table. Picturing this happening in reality is laughable, but certainly a nice thought for the movie to portray.

The only fault i could attribute to the film is the cookie cutter nature of the plot with obvious conflicts followed by convenient resolutions, but this is a light heart-warming comedy after all so a simple story with a comforting structure is welcome.
