Sunday, November 7, 2010

Show: Enslaved and Dimmu Borgir

I almost missed this but thanks to an unlikely coincidence I was reminded to get my ass up to Norther Lights in Clifton Park. The venue was smaller than I was expecting. In the center of the room was a large rectangular bar surrounded by maybe 20 feet of standing floor on each side with the stage in the front. And, get this, the bar served Dogfishhead 60 minute IPA for $6 a solo cup which paired nicely with progressive black metal.

The opening band, Dawn of Ashes was interesting. They played a sort of fun blackened GWARish metal complete with costumes and breakdowns aplenty. They were definitely fun live, but I'm afraid I can't with good conscious recommend them. Here's their myspace in case curiosity strikes:

The second opener is considerably more well known, Blood Red Throne. Even though these gents weren't clad in hellish costumes they embodied brutality and evil much more accurately. This band is all about harsh blasting, slightly blackened, death metal. Most of what they did tended to blur together in constant bludgeoning speed, but there were a few memorable solos to be enjoyed, so I was content:

Enslaved was up next and I was indeed giddy. There's something about seeing a band in person for the first time after watching countless interviews and the infrequent music video, something that makes my time spent admiring music seem worth it. As far as their performance it was exactly what I was expecting, expertly choreographed, expertly executed with a stage presence that was honestly menacing. Grutle Kjellson was especially impressive as the frontman. His vocals although obviously not leveled any higher than normal fought with the already overwhelming guitar tone, which in this sort of music is rare and I can only image how much damage he's dishing out to his poor vocal chords. I certainly appreciate his sacrifice in any event. Here's a taste, but I highly recommend all their albums especially their most recent Axioma Ethica Odini:

Dimmu Borgir has been taking a lot of flack lately, and I can see why. Their focus has shifted over the past few albums toward an orchestral-centric sound, which means they're moving away from guitar-centric much to the fans' chagrin. Live however, a band has an obligation to play the old with the new and it was the old that captured my attention, especially a couple tracks off of Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia; one of the guiding albums in my metal education. And even though the rest of the material wasn't nearly as memorable, it was still solid fucking metal and the band was tight. There was a lot of focus on the light show and the lead even needed a break for a costume change, which I thought was rather silly, but overall a good end to a good night. Here's some Dimmu:

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