Sunday, January 15, 2012

Best of 2011

 #8 - Ulcerate - Destroyer of All

There's nothing that gets my attention more than originality. Sure, I respect each genre and respect bands who achieve absolute mastery within their niche, but to hear unrecognizable music, music that can't readily be categorized, is a special treat. When I first heard Ulcerate's "Everything is Fire" I was blown away by the hideousness of it, the razor sharp tones, the dissonance, but it never quite clicked. As much as I like chaos in music, I might still need some sort of foothold to grasp onto and "Everything is Fire" didn't give it to me.

With Destroyer of All, Ulcerate redefined their sound, polished it, sanded off some of the rough edges. I think the biggest improvement is a more consistent sense of groove over the course of the album. The drums are punishingly brutal with a kick drum resembling a machine gun, but the consistency of attractive grooves gives each track a contained environment, trapping the hideous chords and leads that would otherwise be unchained chaos.

With such a dramatic shift of character between their last two albums, I have no idea what to expect from their next one, which makes me very excited to hear it.

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