Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Best of 2011

#3 - Shining - VI - Fodd Forlorare

I love black metal that doesn't sound quite like black metal. I like my black metal to have acoustic guitars, parts that don't blast, I like it to have hooks to remember and atmosphere. Shining's motivation is pretty simple. They write songs about killing yourself; a message that's been done a million times before. Luckily the lyrics aren't in English and every other aspect of this album is fucking awesome. Each track has a pulse strongly rooted in rock structure with groovy rhythms and blasts used sparingly with great effect. And even though the lyrical theme is recycled from youthful rebellion, the lyrics are delivered with passion. There are moments on this album where the words seem to come out of the vocal's throat like razor blades, shredding the poor guy to pieces. He's obviously a god damn lunatic, but most great artists are.

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