Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Best of 2017

4) Igorrr - Savage Sinusoid

Gautier Serre, the individual known as Igorrr, may as well have a reserved place on my year end list. With each release Serre confirms further his obsession with the creation of music. Each composition is an explosion of ideas, some with no discernible influence, plucked out of the ether. This release in particular begins in a very harsh way, out of context screams followed by crushing electric riffage and nonsensical barks. As the album progresses he introduces more tender moments building on each other, operatic passages, harpsichord, percussive sampling, concert piano, and lots of accordion. Among all the instruments piled to the sky, the songs are broken up with spontaneous fits of electronic break-core fragments and stutters. It all coalesces into something unique and in a world full of derivative nonsense, something this strange should be appreciated.

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