Monday, January 4, 2021

Best of 2020

 7) Pyrrhon - Abscess Time

Rounding out my Hatred from the Fringe Trilogy is this barbed beast of an album. Easily the most masochistic act you'd embark upon, listening to Abscess Time is a hard sell. However, it most clearly makes my point of the fringe being something at the same time frightening and visionary. The aspect of this album I find most impressive is this was made to be reproducible and can be performed live when the stay at home orders eventually lift. There are so many seemingly unplanned moments, unfettered feedback, randomly placed harmonics, tempo changes that dip and dart with no apparent triggering event. Songs start and end without preamble or resolution. To realize this was purposely designed is to understand you're looking inside the mind of a madman. Reading the lyrics adds further confusion as one would expect them to be equally schizophrenic, yet they're some of the most poignant of the year.

Abscess Time is a thoroughly upsetting manifestation of Pyrrhonic victory, that is a victory so mired in the blood of your own men you have nothing left other than the word. This album makes the argument that we've waged war with ourselves for a long time and we have nothing to show for it outside of a cycle of violence and abuse. We have ruined ourselves and we should be ashamed.

"The rain is coming down, the gutters are bleeding
No crown will spare your kind from what you’ve got coming
The final instinct will be recursive gnawing
Among your brothers"

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