Saturday, July 29, 2023

Best of 2022

 2) Hangman's Chair - A Loner

I spent a lot of time thinking about this album in 2022 and still thinking about it deep into 2023. I've oscillated a lot over past years between thinking I was a loner and thinking that's just the insecurity talking and I'm actually like everyone else, a social creature requiring affection and attention. 2022 confirmed it, I'm definitely a loner and thinking otherwise gets me into trouble.

Along with spinning this album somewhat compulsively, I've been thinking about loners from the past, people who lived mostly solitary lives and still contributed to humanity in some definable way. There's a few of them and they certainly have lessons to learn about the dangers of alcoholism and other self-destructive behaviors that ultimately lead to a short life. We'll see if these lessons can help me build some semblance of sustainable existence. Regardless, for this loner, Hangman's Chair is my kind of dear friend.

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