Sunday, August 5, 2007

Tonight i'm drinking smithwick's a few thoughts droning in my head. First it's been a month since i moved down here. It seems like no time has passed at all, but i've gotten a lot done, still have little to no furniture, but things like that take a lot of time. Another thing that takes a hell of a lot of time is meeting people, friends, cute girls, whatever. So far i've met a 50+ year old hippie/deadhead, a 30+ cook for a local restaurant, a somewhat unfavorable 30+ coworker, and to end the list on a high note, a cute junior in college. That is good, she's an awesome chick, but she doesn't have any friends here and she's moving away within weeks. So after that... i'll be back to not knowing any people like me. I say like me with a loose definition, more along the lines of age and recklessness than interests. I sort of met one other person, which seemed really hopeful. It was a strange scenario. I was wasted having gone to a bar alone and stayed there until nearly close just drinking at the bar developing a massive crush on a bartender covered in tattoos, only to have my hopes destroyed hearing that she was married to a member of the band avail, a very well known punk outfit. So i left and took an odd form of transportation back to my apt. a dude, on a bike, with a carriage attached to it. So i'm drunk and fairly talkative and bring up the local music scene, and he starts naming bands while i mention bands and we wind up having a decent conversation, which ended with a phone number and an invitation to get wasted the next night. This is all great so far, but i called, and to keep things delicate, he had some major family issues and couldn't do anything. And, i should remain somewhat hopeful for that connection, but i know that i was just some random drunk dude, probably not worth contacting again. So it goes. We'll see; i'll keep going out to bars, and shows, and whatever else comes up, but i'm impatient. I'm so used to seeing friendly faces at every turn, now i just don't have that and i want it back.

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