Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The holiday weekend was stressful. I found myself wearing a meaningless smile most of the time so as to avoid awkward questions. My parents tried their best to be supportive of me and i am appreciative, but my sister and i will never get along. No matter how much time passes, it's always the same. I can manage to put up with her for one day, but anything beyond that drives me to the brink of insanity. Her daughter is cute though and i am hoping that in her times of rebellion grows far away from my sister's personality. This is harsh, but it's honest. The food was good though and my car is in perfect running condition for maybe another 10,000 miles.

Driving seven hours is no fun. I'm proud of myself for pulling it off. I can remember years ago when going through a toll booth made me break out into a cold sweat. Those days are gone, but a trip that long does test the limits of creativity. I found myself constantly thinking of ways to pass the time. The dark lonely roads providing just enough distraction as to make me completely lucid. (I can only think clearly when something consumes a part of my attention) I thought about a lot of things. Most of them pointing to a question: What the hell am i doing down here? But, those thoughts were silenced by reflection on my experiences so far. I've learned to cope with a lot of shit and it's having an effect on me. I saw it fairly clearly at the supermarket tonight.
I think i'm sort of reverting back into what i wanted to become in High School: a non-entity. I wanted to slip in and out of a person's memory like a brief silent wind. From my experience then any attention that happened to be directed toward me was negative so i wanted to avoid it. I succeeded rather well. Anytime i see someone from High School when i'm at home they don't recognize me. I understand that my appearance has changed quite a bit, but i believe that i left no mark on their mortal existence whatsoever. And, this is what i'm trying to do now. I'm speaking only when spoken to. I'm checking commonly crowded areas before approaching so as to avoid interaction. This includes peaking around corners among isles of food in order to avoid coming even close to anyone. If i feel someone is looking at me, i put my head down and walk away or make an active effort not to make eye contact.
I started doing acting this way kind of recently, after all the misconceptions and unwelcoming actions from native Richmonders. Given, there are exceptions; there are a couple people here who actually care about my well-being and i appreciate them, but i don't think it's really helping with my overall impression of this city. I'm trying to decide whether it is because of a growing fear of rejection or a conceded feeling of superiority. It's most likely both considering my constant state of internal conflict. In either case i feel like i'm distancing myself from my neighbors and in reaction finding new ways to define my existence. Before it was for my friends. The reason i didn't treat myself destructively was because of the people who cared about me, who depended on me to to listen, to provide comfort in friendship. Now the reasons are shifting toward long-term goals. I'm thinking mostly for the sake of music. (today i thought up a killer idea for a really heavy concept album that involves everything i've been consumed with recently)
I guess now i'm trying to figure out how i can exist without other people to influence me. I've always thought that the more people you interacted with the wiser you would become because your ability to reason would be augmented by an uncountable number of original ideas. But, now i'm looking more for inner development. This may be just an natural progressive thought to ward off a new sense of depression, but if that's what i need to keep going, then so be it.

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