Thursday, January 31, 2013

Best of 2012

7) Anaal Nathrakh - Vanitas

Listen, I'm pretty skeptical when it comes to catchy chorus lines in death grind. I want my death grind to be brutal, unrelenting, and razor sharp. After a full spin I want my nerves to burned out, frayed beyond the prospect of healing. So when a noticeable sing-along part comes up in death grind I'll be the first to say, "Get this pansy shit out my ears." I don't know where this senseless hatred for a hook in this context comes from, but it's there. Given that sentiment, I have no idea why Anaal Nathrakh is immune to this requirement. This is death grind, no doubt, and there are hooks, big memorable hooks, hooks that in the context of a crowded dimly lit venue would force the unworthy fans to... sing along. I don't want to speculate too much on what makes them different from the rest of the pack. I'll just say that Anaal Nathrakh has blown me away with Vanitas for the mere fact that they got me to sing along gleefully to searing death grind.

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