Sunday, September 22, 2013

Beer: Dogfish Head - Punkin

It's fall. Summer is over. I think that usually makes me a little bit hesitant, as if there's some sort of loss to deal with. I don't feel that way this year. The only emotion I'm feeling about the idea of fall is excitement. I feel prepared. I know what fall is about, I know I look good in a sweater, I know the pumpkin beers just showed up on my distributor's shelves. So let's get to it. Let's review some pumpkin beers and embrace the change of seasons.

Appearance: Pours a light, orangey, amber with a course white head which dissipates quickly. There is some cloudiness which I expect from a nice Dogfish ale. Just looking at this beer is a delight, exactly what my imagination would dream up when given the task of picturing a pumpkin ale. Lacing is minimal as the level descends but it is there.

Aroma: I hate to mention my first criticism this early on, but I think aroma is the one weakness of this brew. There just isn't much of it. I get some nutmeg, some pumpkin flesh nuances, but it's very subtle and I just wish it was a little fuller, warmer, a little more welcoming.

Taste: This is a delicious beer. I just want to get that out of the way. Dogfish can really do no wrong with me. everything I've had from them is so solid from their production staples to limited releases. This is no exception. Big, fresh, buttery, pumpkin balanced out with a nice dose of nutmeg and cinnamon. But, I don't want you to think this is just a gimmick pumpkin beer. This is still very much a brown ale, the malt provides the backdrop, the structure, while the unique, exciting flavors dance in the foreground.

Mouthfeel: Amazingly well designed. This is 7% abv which seems on the high side for a brown, but you wouldn't know it unless you looked at the bottle. There is a fresh effervescent character to this, slightly like club soda, that cuts right through the alcohol and presents these deep, buttery, spicy flavors with a certain finesse that is so welcome.

Overall: Seasonal beers are special for me. When I walk into a distributor, sometimes I'm overwhelmed with the options, all the bottles screaming for my attention, the nice guy working the register passively watching as I pace the isles. I try to seem like I know a thing or two, but really, I'm 28 and there are so many great beers out there. A seasonal offering helps me with the choice. Seeing a beer I haven't seen in 9 months is exciting, it creates a sense of anticipation, a sense of excitement greater than just getting what I normally get or getting something I've never gotten which may very well be no good. I know Dogfish is great. I know Punkin will be at my distro come end of September, and I know I'll really enjoy it. For a guy like me who battles with the task of creating enough enjoyment in their life, it's so nice to know all that and be able to pick up a six pack.


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