Saturday, December 27, 2014

Best of 2014

10) Bohren und Der Club of Gore - Piano Nights

There's a dimly lit, smoky bar somewhere in my dreams. I sit there sipping an old fashioned, thinking about past triumphs and mistakes while Bohren und Der Club of Gore plays their signature brand of funeral jazz quietly in the corner. Bohren is the kind of band you can always rely on, doing what they do best without taking many risks or altering their approach all that much. Piano Nights is slow, comfortingly warm, and has just the right number of memorable melodies to keep your attention. I could see how most would dismiss them at boring or unengaging but for me Bohren is a gentle opioid wave, calming and meditative. When the earth seems to be spinning a little too fast for it's own good, Bohren is a patient reminder of the choice to be calm, that it's ok to occasionally take a step back and just watch it spin.

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