Monday, December 29, 2014

Best of 2014

6) Her Name is Calla - Navigator

I occasionally take pride in the fact that I don't listen to the radio. I don't like it when the possibility exists that I'm listening to something because some executive decided it was marketable. Of course it's pretty god damn presumptuous to think that the music pushed by those nameless executives is any less honest or authentic. There's a lot of artists on the radio working hard, expressing themselves honestly. I just like the challenge of going out and finding something on my own. Searching blogs endlessly for something not many have discovered yet is rewarding. The product of hard work is always more rewarding than spoon-fed distractions.

Her Name is Calla is one of those artists stumbled upon after a few hours surfing random bandcamp sites of hungry musicians looking for a break, or just looking for someone to listen. The voice of the band is Tom Morris and he's not so unlike Thom Yorke in his delivery, his thoughtful lyrics. Navigator is full of memorable moments, explorations of different stylistic deliveries. This is art rock at it's finest which means it's occasionally weird and jarring, but it always manages to be disarming. Navigator is a hidden gem of an album that might not get that much fanfare or any time on the radio, but it's certainly worth a listen.

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