Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Movie: Dreams by Ingmar Bergman

Love and happiness are transient and so idealized that when we have it it's never enough and when it's gone we forget immediately how inadequate it was and try over and over to recreate that exact moment. The protagonists in this film try so hard to return to the happiness they remember which has been blurred, smoothed by the erosion of time. They hope, for a moment, that it's going to be just as good as that distorted memory and once they have it in their hands the moment lasts all of a couple minutes before it crumbles under the weight of the despair that has become the norm of their lives. The narrative leaves the audience with a frightening question: Which is better, transient whimsy or constant reflection. Luckily hope will force all to choose the former, but the zero sum game laughs at our attempt.

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