Friday, January 2, 2015

Best of 2014

1) YOB - Clearing the Path to Ascend

YOB open Clearing the Path to Ascend with a sample of philosopher Alan Watts saying "Time to wake up," preparing the listener for transcendence. Clearing the Path to Ascend is a swan song of an album beckoning us to reflect, to ignore all the shit from our parents, priests, politicians, corporations, and unashamed charlatans of our time and realize the inner truths, the things we feel in our heart, in our marrow. The way Clearing the Path to Ascend approaches the human conflict isn't gentle, it isn't comforting, it wails, it screams, it threatens, and it asks really difficult questions with brash intensity and expectation. This is bold music for bold people, my number one pick for 2014, and one of my favorite albums of all time.

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