Thursday, December 31, 2015

Best of 2015

7) Code - Mut

There were three outstanding vocal performances this year that caught my attention, Leprous, Dodheimsgard, and Code. Congregation by Leprous is a remarkable album, but it had too many dull moments to make my list. A Umbra Omega by Dodheimsgard is an eccentric nightmare of a record and it’s possible if I had a more open mind that would occupy this space, but for my taste it was too weird without being charismatic. Mut by Code is the winner for me. The vocal performance is theatrical in all the right ways, charismatic, dynamic, full of texture and passion, and underneath the vocal is a lush piece of progressive music. Mut is at times gentle and beautiful, at times very dissonant and unnerving, and the transition between those two moods feels like a journey that I’ve taken many times over the course of 2015.

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