Monday, January 7, 2008

Now that things have calmed down a little bit i can try and recap the holidays:

Being in NYC with Derek and Ali was a great couple days.

Going to Poughkeepsie with almost all the girls was slightly overwhelming, but just because i was lacking my wingman James.

But, the last day of vacation i got really sick. I still don't know whether it was a virus or food poisoning but i wasn't able to eat anything for 5 days. I lost 15 pounds in that amount of time and it's disgusting to be this skinny again.

On my trip back to Richmond my car broke down. It got me here, but it was completely dead within two days. This caused me an immense amount of stress, and i almost lost it, being all sick, i was lost without any options and no ride to work.

So, the first day that i had the strength to i took a cab to a Ford dealer and bought a 2007 Mustang. It is a beast. I get chills just from looking at it, and driving it is empowering to say the least.

For now, i'm stable. Losing my car while unable to eat was a really frightening experience. I don't think i've ever felt more helpless or alone. And, i'm sure there are more challenges to come, but for now i have a really sick ride and a fresh dose of confidence.

1 comment:

Bear Flavored said...

Glad you're feeling better. 15 pounds, goddam. Anyway, I must see pictures of this car now.