Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Best of 2009

#2 - YOB - The Great Cessation

I haven't been seeing The Great Cessation on many year end lists and that's sort of surprising. When this first came out i saw all sorts of forums with conversations that went as follows,
"Hey! did you hear the new YOB???"
"Dude, knocked me on my ass, heaviest fucking album of the year"
"I know! god damn beast"
It's possible with time the initial effect wore off and people were left feeling unsatisfied. I was not one of those people. Although not my number 1 pick, it is the album i've listened to most this year with spins comfortably into the double digits. I enjoy this one from start to finish exposing myself to new levels of distortion and surprises of ambient noise with each listen, but there are a few moments that knock me right on my ass. Not much music these days can give me that feeling that rushes up my spine and makes the hair on my neck stand up but for these moments it happens every time. It's the only album that makes me feel like the 800 watt stereo in my car isn't loud enough. At times i think i would willingly sacrifice my inner ear because it makes me feel close enough to transcendence that i can actually feel my worldly existence burning away. So anyone who wants to go on a road trip and maybe transition into the ether with some YOB, call me.

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