Friday, December 4, 2009

Movie: Extract

Mila Kunis my lord... What a perfect role for her. Perfect because she could get away with it. Any straight man with any fight left in him would stand in awe of her and give her anything she wanted. This movie uses that and builds a realistic character based on it. However, we don't don't see enough of her, we don't hear enough of her, and she throws away a lifetime of sociopathic behavior because she got caught and had some sex with... Jason Bateman... Unlikely. The movie was funny and the story was strong right up until the end when all the conflicts resolved entirely too easily. However, one specific detail stood out for me. One of the employees at the extract plant was in a grind band. So each time he was on screen he was wearing a different t-shirt, most notably Cephalic Carnage. I haven't even seen another cephalic carnage shirt in person. To see one in a wide release movie was just great. Thanks Mike judge. And thanks for casting Mila Kunis, but i want more from you next time.


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