Sunday, October 31, 2010

Movie: Fallen

I've said before that the only benefit of centuries of religion is artistic influence. What I never personally understood was why there aren't more great films about satan and his demon hordes. There are countless ancient stories to lift and adapt, yet movies about the devil are perpetually campy and shallow.

There are exceptions however, like Fallen. It would be harsh to call this one campy, but it rides the line; I'd be more apt to call it modest. The story follows a detective who is introduced as the valiant hero in a serial murderer's capture. The killer is executed, but unfortunately for Detective Hobbs, the killing doesn't stop.

Before long Hobbs discovers that what he's been chasing can't be described in terms of the physical world and his valiant nature transcends his title as detective into a new role as a crusader.

This isn't a perfect movie; there are weak bits. Hobbs' brother played a pivotal role but was portrayed awkwardly. We never find out much about him other than he's a father and slightly mentally handicapped. A little more character development with him and the emotion Hobbs felt toward him would've been more believable. And this is definitely subjective, but a little more time with Embeth Davidtz's character would've been appreciated. I've always had a thing for her, one of the rare modern examples of glamour. Her and Saffron Burrows... But she's not in this movie so I'll get back to the point.

Overall Denzel did a great job bringing life to the script and there are a few very memorable scenes, especially the final battle between Hobbs and a demon. Highly recommended for a unique portrayal of evil of a biblical nature.


1 comment:

Shaheen said...

We will have to wait a little while before this is relased in the U.K, but it was good to read your viewpoint.