Monday, December 13, 2010

Best of 2010

#7 - Her Name is Calla - The Quiet Lamb

What a wonderful little album... I feel the same way about post-rock as I do about post-metal as described in my last entry. Post-anything should come from simple beginnings and take you somewhere new and exciting. This album is another stunning example of how creative musicians can be if they forget about genres, acceptable techniques, templates and formulas and write directly from the heart. Her Name is Calla go so far, it's hard to even call this rock. It's got equal amounts of ambient, neo-classical and a dollop of free jazz mixed together to make a beautifully delicate composition.

Delicate is the key word here. There are many moments of near silence with a single instrument sounding quiet notes or a light drum beat establishing a loose rhythm, but the music never loses your attention. I love it when a band can do that. Moments of quiet simple melodies create so much space within a composition. When my ears can barely make out the subtle nuances, my brain makes up for it by picturing the sound off in the distance with obstacles in the way; blowing wind, falling leaves, a snowfall that has the audacity to feel warm. And in between these moments are the conflicts presented by a soaring, passionate lead vocal accompanied by guitars, horns, strings and a trove of percussion instruments. The artists involved showed not only that they can tastefully incorporate a wide selection of instruments, but also a mastery in execution. Be patient with this one and you'll undoubtedly be rewarded.

1 comment:

Matthew said...

Sounds awesome! LIIINK!!!