Saturday, January 1, 2022

Best of 2021

 8) Pupil Slicer - Mirrors

Grinding in at number 8 is Pupil Slicer with Mirrors. One of the aspects of a perfect world is one where women are given a shot and succeed at being just as angry and scary as their sword wielding counterparts. Pupil Slicer and Succumb are two bands from a world trying to be perfect. Both of their albums are impactfully frightening and watching music videos you get the sense that this is the future of equality. If you believe whole-heartedly that women can be dangerous, the world suddenly gets a lot safer for everyone. The only reason Pupil Slicer is here instead of Succumb is the complexity showcased on this record. There are moments that swing between articulate polyrhythms to Pig Destroyer-esque breakdows that make for a really engaging listen. Succumb is a little more direct in their approach, however I'll be watching them closely over the next few years to see if they begin adding some seasoning and spice to their formula of oppressive auditory violence.

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