Thursday, October 11, 2007

"Hey, what size shoes do you wear?!" A question asked at the supermarket, while in line, from a guy... His response to my answer: "Wow, you know that's really rare to see!" To which i responded, "Yeah..." How do you respond to something like that? I mean, in grade school when someone would notice, the usual comment was, "You know what they say about guys with big feet?" to which you stand silent and wait for the "Big socks!" response, a fairly colorless and anti-climactic punch line. Had it been a cute girl there would have been a definite opportunity to flirt, but it was not. It was just a little awkward. And, right after that i get another kick to the testes. The cashier saw the 20 case of Michelob's i was buying and asked, "you going to a party?" I should have lied and said, "Yes, of course, i never drink alone" but i'm an honest person so the response was, "nope, those are all for me." You can probably imagine the way her face contorted from slight excitement to pity.
Eh, before that i had a terribly productive day. Right after work i went straight to Ashley furniture and bought a coffee table and a couple end tables, which will be arriving next saturday. And, i dropped over at target to pick up a water purifier and floor lamp. And, last night instead of spending time on this silly thing i went on a cleaning binge trying to make this place respectable and damnit, it almost looks good. When i'm done my apartment is going to be a sexy bachelor pad. I think i'm only a couple more months of paychecks away. The biggest obstacle will be making this place look artful. I want it to be dark and mysterious, but not creepy which represents two sides of a very thin line. In any event, tonight i'm feeling just a bit more comfortable here, which doesn't really effect my goings on outdoors, but it could have a passive influence on my overall well-being.

1 comment:

Bear Flavored said...

Dude, Gojira is on tour here, and I saw they're playing somewhere in VA. Can't remember the name of the town and no idea how close it would be to you, but worth checking out. And as I mentioned before, Dillinger is on tour with Genghis Tron, so perhaps they are headed your way too.

And your life is starting to sound like some pretty hilarious fodder for a sitcom. Just find a black/gay/black&gay sidekick and you are set.