Saturday, October 20, 2007

I went to a bar (there's one within walking distance of my place that is hardly ever crowded and has a few HD's that i can just stare at with a beer) and i sat down next to a few people. The one i was closest to makes eye contact and i ask her for her name and introduce myself. She's cute, although it's obvious she works very hard for it. (goes tanning, considerable makeup, good shape, and sadly from just overhearing a few conversations, not very bright) She keeps looking over at me attempting to make eye contact and i just give it back. A couple times i strike up a conversation but a minute or two into them she seems to lose complete interest and turns around to her friends. Here's the good part. Just before they're about to leave she leans over and says, "Can i ask you a really personal question?" I say, "shoot" and she asks, "Do you like men or women?" to which i respond, "women." She seems surprised and leaves.

Thank you once again Richmond for welcoming me with open arms and warming comfort...

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