Thursday, January 30, 2020

Best of 2019

1) Fvneral Fvkk - Carnal Confessions

As if the last album wasn’t problematic enough… Fvneral Fvkk is an album written from the perspective of a debaucherous clergy. It revels in acts of abuse at the hands of the faithful and doesn’t pull any punches in doing so. Given how sensitive people are these days I feel the urge whenever I play this for someone to preface it with some big speech about how this isn’t to be taken literally. But, I should stop doing that. If you’re not grown up enough to understand satire then stay happy in the warming embrace of your addiction to pathetic virtue signalling. Fvneral Fvkk is having fun writing music that unflinchingly takes the piss of the corrupt and predatory church. Forgetting all that, this band sounds like the love child of Type O Negative and Candlemass so… it’s quite good.

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