Thursday, January 30, 2020

Best of 2019

10) A Winged Victory for the Sullen - The Undivided Five

It’s not unusual to begin my list with an ambient piece of music and this certainly was my favorite ambient release of the year. There’s a “making of” video on Youtube showcasing the recording process of this album. This involved the implementation of a reverb effect, not from a digitized pedal or piece of software, rather by re-recording master tracks in an old cathedral. This method of sound production is so attractive in these times of shortcuts and illusions of effect, monetized to extract all value or creativity from them. Let’s not forget completely what treasures exist in the analog world, what we can accomplish by reaching out to members of our local community who happen to administer the places where melody and harmony were first explored. The song titles on the album are predictably ridiculous given there are no lyrical themes expressed, but the music herein is a journey to a more analog presentation of music. This is a palate cleanser from all the so-called future pop and a good place to start as we move into more modern genres.

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