Thursday, January 30, 2020

Best of 2019

9) Anticosm - Call of the Void

I’ve declared thrash to be dead a few times, no growth since the masters of old, nothing to see here outside of the occasional guitarist who can write good licks and play them at the speed of light. But, the past few years I have featured a thrash album. Maybe I should begin to change my tune and embrace a new wave of modern thrash. Wave might be a strong word, more of a trickle. Anticosm seemed to fly well under the radar of most listeners this year, but this album really spoke to me. It might be because they borrow the occasional flourish from old school death metal, or that they have the rare skill of slowing a thrash song down to really explore a melodic motif. The songs featured here are memorable, they have hooks, which is more than can be said for most other modern thrash. Break-neck speed is nothing if you don’t have a hook to drag you through the mire of swirling leads and rotten words.

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