Thursday, January 30, 2020

Best of 2019

7) Oro - Djupets kall

After listening to the dial tone that was the new Cult of Luna record, I really had a hankering for some post-sludge, so a good amount of time was spent this year scouring the information highways and byways for something reminiscent of the golden age of the genre. Oro must’ve missed the memo that post-sludge needs to be boring because this album brings the goods. Those big rhythmic riffs taylor-made for hard and slow headbanging are present throughout, occasionally punctuated by meditative, reflective passages. This is the album for people disappointed by Cult of Luna’s slow descent, for people who still mourn ISIS. I wouldn’t count on it being the revival of a dying genre, but it is a beautiful ember floating above the wreckage.

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