Thursday, January 30, 2020

Best of 2019

5) Oh Hiroshima - Oscillation

That’s an odd band name. It sort of has the vibe of looking at the Japanese city of Hiroshima as a character on Seinfeld who just did a foolish, irresponsible thing. “Oh, Hiroshima, there you go getting bombed again, you silly Hiroshima.” Getting back on topic, this album is a graceful swansong, an expression of melancholy with enough hooks to keep you coming back. I wouldn’t say this is the most engaging album of the year but it is warm and comforting. It reminds of Explosions in the Sky with the occasional assistance from a nurturing vocalist. I wasn’t aware of this band before 2019, but I’ll be keeping an ear out for future releases because it’s rare that an album will feel so much like a home in which I once lived.

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