Thursday, July 16, 2009

21 Best Metal Albums of the 21st Century... So Far

#11 - Deathspell Omega - Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice

Instead of writing a mini-review for this album i want to post an excerpt from one of the few interviews Deathspell Omega have given. I think it gives a more honest portrayal of the band than i ever could.

"First and foremost, we want to avoid at all costs this very human illusion of being important and gladly leave these fifteen minutes of fame, as Warhol brilliantly put it, to whoever wants them. In regard to what we are trying to understand and dare to praise despite the immense restrictions of human understanding, we are nothing. This being said, we are of course better than most humans, our humility lies on a metaphysical level. Eventually, it should also be considered that we honestly can not say how much of the artistic or intellectual impulses truly come from us, and which percentage of, for example, "Si monumentim requires, circumspice" was conceived through or maybe even despite us. Claiming the paternity of a child with such odd and uncontrollable origins would be very vain, indeed, even if -at least- the credit of being an instrument remains. ("I shall descend in humiliation before Thee - And ascend before men only if thy will ordains me")"

The entire interview is posted at this location:

Read it if you like intelligent music and intelligent people. Stop reading my blog if you don't... :P

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