Wednesday, July 8, 2009

21 Best Metal Albums of the 21st Century... So Far

#16 - Cynic - Traced in Air

I am pretty pissed off Cynic had only two LP's in the 20 years they've been in existence. They released Focus in '93, changed the face of death metal then disappeared until last year. When i first heard of a reunion, i remember being excited, but cautious. That unbearable period of silence means the musicians involved are going to be completely different people with different technique, different goals and ambitions. It would be naive to think Cynic was going to pick up were Focus left off. So when Traced in Air was released i had no idea what to expect. I listened to it once, then again, and another time. I loved every second of this album and the songs were lodged in my gray matter permanently. Each song is an extreme example of progressive song structure with time changes and key changes shifting back and forth, left and right, but these songs are memorable, they're accessible, they're catchy. I have no clue how they did it, but i am a fan for life after this album. I just hope they don't keep me waiting another 15 years...

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