Thursday, July 23, 2009

21 Best Metal Albums of the 21st Century... So Far

#4 - Agalloch - Ashes Against the Grain

Me: Hey douche, check out this band... Agalloch

Some Douche: What do they sound like?

Me: They're a dark/ambient folky band with tinges of black metal and lots of atmosphere.

Some Douche: Where are they from? Norway, Finland, France?

Me: Nope, Portland fucking Oregon.

Some Douche: Oh god, they must be fucking awful.

Me: On the contrary my stinky friend, they put most European bands to shame.

Some Douch: Well, I don't believe you, but you do have awfully good taste, so what the hell, i'll give her the old college try.

Me: Damn right you will, you sorry little douche. ::puts on the CD::

Some Douche: Ok, Ok, decent intro, little boring.... ::50 minutes of catatonic trance-like coma:: WOW, Pack your bags, we're moving to Portland fucking Oregon. It must be so cold there, and dark all the time. They must not have ever seen the sun, or maybe when they were first born and never again giving them an eternal sense of longing.

Me: Whoa, whoa, no, it's Portland Fucking Oregon, but i'm glad you like it.

Spread this album around, have similar conversations, gather and rejoice. Just don't keep this to yourself, because anyone who hasn't heard it is doomed to be... a douche.

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