Sunday, July 5, 2009

21 Best Metal Albums of the 21st Century... So Far is a fucking awful website. All of the reasons i would offer to explain would sound like elitist bullshit. Which it would be, because i'm an elitist.

BUT, they featured a series of reviews that i had to follow out of curiosity.

The series was Best 21 Metal Releases of the 21st Century.

Needless to say i thought most of their picks were shit.

And in response i will make a list of my own.

This will not be a definitive list; it will not be supported by many people. The purpose of this list is to represent me and my love for such music. And I hope anyone who reads will get some amount of entertainment out of it.

This will be a landmark of my life; a recollection of my experience with music of the past 9 years.

So begins the list...

#21 - Crotchduster - Big Fat Box of Shit

I know what you're thinking, why the fuck would i start out with a joke. At least lead up to it with some serious bits and use it as relief. NO, I placed Crotchduster comfortably at #21 because it's not the best written piece of metal. It's not the most brutal or technical or atmospheric or any other attribute most metal enthusiasts paste on to these bands. The point of placing it at 21 is to display one of the most important axioms of life. If you're older than 16, you know that life is shit and if you take everything around you or yourself too seriously, you're going to be a fucking buzz-kill to everyone. So have a sense of humor. That's what Crotchduster preach: have a fucking sense of humor. Their drummer is a dog for fuck's sakes...

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