Monday, July 20, 2009

21 Best Metal Albums of the 21st Century... So Far

#6 - Strapping Young Lad - SYL

Devin Townsend has been one of my favorite musicians since the beginning. He has the ability to make music completely outside the realm of the music industry avoiding all of it's intricate sub-genres and definitions. And, with the existence of both the Devin Townsend Band and Strapping young lad he's been able to traverse both the majestic and the grotesque, the graceful and the brutal. But, it was on SYL's self-titled album that he attempted to combine them. The balance is not even. This is still a heavy as fuck SYL album, but songs like Aftermath and Force Fed are perfect examples of how both sides of his bipolar condition were in perfect sync. This album is a monument in Devin's career which i'm sure will be quite a journey well into the 21st century. And, i'll be with him every step of the way.

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