Sunday, December 9, 2018

Best of 2018


Another difficult year for sure. When looking in the mirror I see a tired version of myself. The causes are mostly self-imposed, a little too much drink, a little too much concern for "the way things are heading." The music brought less comfort this year than years past, but it was still good to construct a list. The chores of listening, researching, investing in, and rejecting various albums acted as a flotation device helping me stay above water during the torrential downpours and crashing waves. In the past when I reached this level of disillusionment and resulting prickly demeanor I simply moved away. That isn't an option at the moment, but it should be within the next year or so.

There's an image I've become obsessed with. It's of me living in a decaying wooden structure buried in the woods far away from people. I have things to make music with. I have a camera to capture brief moments of beauty and entropy. I have the ability to sit beside a tree next to a stream and listen to the running water. Colorado is devoid of the rhythmic patterns of insects mating in the night and the sound of gentle water flowing through forest ravines and I've grown to miss those things terribly. Here's hoping I can return to them before too long.

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