Monday, December 10, 2018

Best of 2018

8) Horrendous - Idol

Another welcome return from 2015. Horrendous are still chock full of riffs and licks, so many I don't really understand it. There must be some formula they're tapping into to create the sheer amount of material present on each album, but there isn't anything formulaic about this music. It's as if you pointed a big scary gun at a jazz quartet and told them they can't leave the studio until they hand you a polished death metal record. One might be put off by all the jazzy, serpentine chromaticism, but I wouldn't accept that as a point of dismissal because for every track they manage to pull all their chromatic riffs and runs into something charismatic, occasionally a lovely harmonic minor solo, occasionally a roomy interlude to let the chaos of the rest of the composition germinate into something really memorable. And damn would you look at that album art.

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