Sunday, September 9, 2007

Today i had nothing planned so upon waking i decided to do something ambitious. I still need a lot of furniture and i was thinking about blowing some money on a tv, so naturally i needed a tv stand. Off to target i went, with the best intentions. After deciding on an espresso color? (no idea why they didn't call it dark brown) i attempted to lift it into my cart. I underestimated this piece of furniture. It turned out to be more than a hundred pounds (i weighed it personally) and in a very awkwardly shaped box. I wish my journey from the furniture isle to my apartment had been videotaped because i'm sure it would've made quite the situational comedy skit. I could have asked for help, but i just kept telling myself, be a man! you go the gym, don't you? you lift heavier things over your head. I should have asked for help. After straining my back, apologizing to several people of whom i was in the way of, breaking the molding clean off the back of the inside of my car's trunk, somehow managing to carry it up 3 flights of stairs, it was in my apartment. And just as a little added laugh, as soon as i opened the box, apparently the wrong way, the second heaviest piece fell out right onto my left foot. Assembly wasn't so bad though and now i can gaze to my right and see the new home to a tv i have yet to purchase and quite honestly have no money for, so...
I'm finding that my days, weekends included are turning into small ventures into things that merely keep me busy. This particular one included. I'm not finding much enjoyment in anything lately.

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